Another important aspect to consider when pondering your home EV charging setup is the efficiency of your electric vehicle itself. But what do we mean by vehicle efficiency, and how does it relate to charging speed?

How Vehicle Efficiency Relates to How Fast It Charges

Understanding EV Efficiency

In simple terms, an electric vehicle’s efficiency is a measure of how effectively it uses electrical energy to move. This is usually expressed in terms of kWh per 100 miles (or kWh/100mi). A lower kWh/100mi means a more efficient vehicle; it uses less energy to travel the same distance.

Efficiency and Charging Speed

So, how does this relate to how fast your EV charges? The connection lies in the relationship between the energy your vehicle consumes and the energy your charger supplies.

Let’s take an example. If you have a charger delivering 30 amps on a 240-volt circuit, it can deliver about 7.2 kilowatts of power per hour (30A x 240V = 7200W = 7.2kW). If your EV’s efficiency is 4 kWh/100mi, then for each hour of charging, you’re essentially adding around 180 miles of range to your vehicle (7.2kW ÷ 4kWh/100mi x 100 = 180mi).

On the flip side, if your vehicle is less efficient, say 5 kWh/100mi, that same hour of charging would only add about 144 miles of range (7.2kW ÷ 5kWh/100mi x 100 = 144mi).

Choosing an Efficient EV

When choosing an electric vehicle, it’s worth considering its efficiency rating. A more efficient vehicle will charge “faster” in the sense that it gets more range for the same amount of energy. This can be particularly beneficial if you have a lower-amperage home charging setup, as it will maximize the distance you can travel on a single charge.


Vehicle efficiency plays a crucial role in how fast your EV charges, at least in terms of the range you get per hour of charging. It’s another factor to bear in mind as you plan your home charging setup and consider which electric vehicle best suits your needs. Remember, efficient charging is not only about power and speed but also about making the most of the energy you use. Happy and efficient charging!